Texas Foreclosure Surplus Recovery Attorney

Recover Your Surplus Funds!

Are you a homeowner in Texas who recently went through a foreclosure?

You may be entitled to recover surplus funds from the sale!

This can happen when the property sells for more than the outstanding debt balance.

In many cases, any surplus balance is the borrower’s to collect.

Our dedicated team is here to help you reclaim what is rightfully yours.

Please let us know a little bit more information below so we can help you get started ASAP!

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What is a Foreclosure Surplus?

When a property gets foreclosed on, it goes up for auction. Once sold at the auction, the sales proceeds go to cover outstanding debts.

Imagine you owe $150,000, but at the foreclosure auction, the property sells for $200,000. That’s an extra $50,000. Those $50,000 are the surplus funds.

In many cases, the borrower is entitled to that surplus.

But it can be a bit of a tricky process to try and get those funds returned.

That’s where we can help.

Texas Foreclosure Surplus Recovery Service

We can help clients with the often complex process of surplus funds recovery, making sure that the rightful parties receive what they’re owed under Texas regulations.

We understand that navigating the legal landscape can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to recovering surplus funds.

Our Texas Approach

At Duffley Law, we’re here to help our clients in Texas, especially if and when they lose their properties. We’ll do what we can to find and return our clients’ money following a foreclosure sale.

We can assist with other real estate issues as well, as our practice covers more than just foreclosure surplus recovery.

Either way, we’re proud to serve our clients in Texas in whatever way we can.

Reach out to us today so we can see how we can best assist you!

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